person's eyes

What is Iridology?

Iridology is a powerful tool that involves non-invasive analysis of the iris—the colored part of your eye—to gain deep insights into your overall health. The unique patterns, colors, and markings in your iris are like a roadmap, revealing information about the state of your body's organs and systems.

I use this proven method to identify imbalances, weaknesses, and potential health concerns. By interpreting these signs, I can develop a targeted wellness plan that addresses your specific needs, helping you achieve optimal health and vitality. Iridology isn't just an assessment tool—it's a pathway to real, measurable results in your health journey.

woman wearing black collared jacket
woman wearing black collared jacket

What is Sclerology?

Sclerology is a practice that focuses on analyzing the sclera—the white part of your eye—to gain valuable insights into your body’s health. The intricate patterns, lines, and markings on the sclera can reveal important information about your overall well-being and the current state of your body’s organs and systems.

I interpret these subtle signs to identify underlying health concerns, imbalances, and potential areas of stress in your body. By understanding what your sclera is communicating, I can craft a personalised wellness plan designed to support and enhance your health. Sclerology is a powerful tool that offers real, tangible results on your path to optimal health.

close up photography of rainbow rays on eye
close up photography of rainbow rays on eye